GPS Tracking and Telematics
Monitor vehicle locations and sensor data from anywhere via browser, phone, or tablet. Receive immediate alerts for unauthorized use, compartment access, low battery, and more.
GPS Tracking & Alerting
Share location data to multiple platforms simultaneously. Interfaces with major computer aided dispatch (CAD) vendors.

G-5540 Wireless Vehicle Gateway
Create a secure hotspot for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connected devices in and around the vehicle.

Remotely monitor vehicle health with insight on a multitude of parameters including:
- Compartment Access
- Fuel-level
- Odometer
- Engine Hours (Hobbs)
- Check-Engine Light
- ECU Fault-codes
- Diesel Regen / Particulate Build-up
- Impact / Collision
- Battery Voltage
30 Day Risk Free Trial
Try Atlas Labs risk free. If you're not satisfied for any reason, return your hardware within 30 days for a full refund.
Bringing your own hardware? Contact us for configuration details.